

Outrage over Alfred Hrdlicka's gay Jesus

By Harry de Quetteville in Berlin

Pictures depicting Jesus being fondled and the Apostles groping each
other have caused outrage after they were displayed in a museum
attached to
Vienna's Roman Catholic Cathedral.

The museum has been forced to remove the most controversial picture,
in which the Apostles engage in what the artist describes as a

a.. The exhibition, entitled "Religion, Flesh and Power" featured
works from sculptor and artist Alfred Hrdlicka, who turned 80 this
year and
is widely feted in his native Austria.

It quickly began attracting criticism from Catholic groups after
opening last week, some of which described the pictures as

The website Gloria TV, whose catch line is "the more Catholic the
better", produced a graphic video of the exhibition, condemning it for
"supported by the Church".

Some local media have likened the controversy to the bitter argument
over the cartoon portrayal of Islam's prophet Mohammed, which led to
protests and violence around the world.
Vienna's archbishop, Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn, has now ordered
the "homosexual orgy" picture, entitled Leonardo's Last Supper, to be

"This has nothing to do with censorship", said the Cardinal, adding
that it was removed with "reverence for the sacred".

But other pictures which have proved also controversial, including
showing Christ being fondled while on the cross, are still on

Bernhard Boehler, the museum curator, has insisted that despite the
criticism, the exhibition is serving its purpose by encouraging

"We think Hrdlicka is entitled to represent people in this carnal,
drastic way," he said. "People can imagine what they want to."

According to notes accompanying the exhibition, Mr Hrdlicka's work
focuses on the carnality of religion, and on the search for "God as a


Vienna Cardinal Regrets Erotic Last Supper ArtThe cardinal told the
museum to take down the picture, ˝a homosexual orgy˝ of the Apostles
as Hrdlicka describes it.
Reuters Vienna's Roman Catholic cardinal said on Wednesday that he
regrets the exhibition of a homoerotic version of Christ's Last Supper
in a museum linked to his diocese.
The controversial work was exhibited in Vienna's Cathedral Museum as
part of a retrospective honouring Austria's renowned artist Alfred
Hrdlicka, who recently turned 80.

Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn, archbishop of Vienna, said he had
backed the exhibition without knowing the detailed contents.

"I obviously would not have agreed to have blasphemous or pornographic
works exhibited. I therefore explicitly regret that a work of this
kind was exhibited without my knowledge," the cardinal said in a

The cardinal told the museum to take down the picture, "a homosexual
orgy" of the Apostles as Hrdlicka describes it, just over a week after
the display opened, after some visitors complained and it provoked a
fierce uproar on Catholic websites.

Protest has continued over the picture 'Leonardo's Last Supper,
restored by Pier Paolo Pasolini' which showed cavorting Apostles
lounging on the dining table and masturbating each other. It was
supposed to be a highlight of the display.

"In some of (the pictures) he oversteps the essential threshold of
respect for the sacred," the cardinal said, adding that the museum
does not identify with all of the works.

But he also defended Hrdlicka as one of Austria's most notable living
artists who deserved such a retrospective.

"Hrdlicka...probably more than any other living artist, has devoted
himself to the suffering and downtrodden human being and has appealed
for "compassion" with the "Passion," he said.

The museum has said it did not set out to offend people but has
defended Hrdlicka's work and the decision to display the controversial
versions of biblical imagery.

Schoenborn, a former student of Pope Benedict who edited the Catholic
Church's official catechism in the 1990s, maintains that art inspired
by the Bible should be celebrated.

"I still hold the opinion that we must welcome the fact that artists
who do not share our faith, or are still searching for belief, occupy
themselves so intensively with biblical subjects," he said.



Dark Alley Media’s first foray into controversial cinema brought us Gaytanamo, a gleeful mockery of the government’s war on terror and the Guantanamo prisons.
Now the mischievous movie makers are dipping their toes into the wild world of religion. And, not surprisingly, they’re going to get some shocks, gasps and, hopefully, moans.

James Withers chats with director Matthias Von Fistenberg to get to the bottom of the newly released video, after the jump…

Matthias Von Fistenberg’s Passio will surely make a few Fox News anchors explode - and not in a good way. In fact, it is safe to say that even those non-acolytes of the “fair and balanced” network will be disturbed by von Fistenberg’s Jesus. This savior could care less about clothing the naked or feeding the hungry, unless the meal’s cock.

“My Jesus is gay, stunningly beautiful and sexy. He gets aroused like all of us,” explains Von Fistenberg, who describes himself as a Catholic. The director also admits his Jesus story can’t be found in hotel room Bible. “The movie is a gospel, passio, version of the Jesus story according to

If people are shocked and appalled by Von Fistenberg’s re-telling of the Gospels, he gently reminds us that theocratic rules aren’t our lot. “Luckily we don’t live anymore in times when the Church controls the media and courts,” Von Fistenberg says. “Under the protection of our freedom of speech law, all biblical topics are open to any interpretation. Now, maybe the Pope will excommunicate me or Fox News will have a field day, but they wont be able to take away this important step towards exercising fully the right to free speech and artistic freedom.”

Though he expects howls of protest, Von Fistenberg reminds us that today’s revered religious art once counted as yesterday’s scandal. “From Michelangelo to Mantegna, Piero Della Francesca and Paul Gauguin, images of Jesus Christ have offended, delighted, outraged, and inspired the devout. For each controversial image, the sacred and profane was mixed in new ways, challenging viewers to rethink their own religion, spirituality, and sexuality. I will only mention that there are plenty of nude Christs in Renaissance art and nudity, courtesy of Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel, was considered obscene.”

Despite this art history lesson, even for a born again atheist such as myself myself there is something disquieting about these images Von Fistenberg is putting out there. A part of me would rather he just film hot guys having sex and leave all the religion stuff alone. Like a good teacher, Von Fistenberg makes me see the light. “As a porn director I am given the same tools as any other director so why should I not use them and express myself? Why should I pretend I don’t have my opinions, on politics, religion or on what’s sexy? My movies are made in a way that you can skip it all and go straight to sex. They have that utilitarian value, but it you watch them from start to finish they offer a view of the world as relevant as anybody else’s.”

Ultimately Von Fistenberg takes his job seriously and refuses to be restrained by the word pornographer. He’s not asking for the faithful to bow down to his vision of Christ. “You choose which Jesus is yours,” he says.

Regardless of your choice, the director remains convinced that underneath the outrage and disgust will be desire and want. “I’m a modern day Marquis de Sade. I show you what is sexy. First you think its wrong because you are so programmed by society, but later, when no one is watching, you can’t deny it.”


Blasphemy-Judas was a gay
About Judas Iscariot-The italian Crimonology Doctor Francesco Bruno declares that
Judas was a neurotic-homosexual.
This blasphemous article is edited by the very catholic Petrus;
about the Pope news web-site.
Catholic christians are going to believe that Jesus and his Apostles were all gay.

