

The ordination of women in the Roman Catholic Church
Welcome to the largest international website on
women and sacred ministry!

We are Roman Catholic theologians who firmly believe that the discussion on women priests should be left open.

We love our family, the Catholic Church. We fully accept the authority of the Pope. We respect his personal integrity as an outstanding spiritual leader. But we are convinced that the Pope and his advisors in Rome are making a serious mistake by dismissing women as priests. We feel obliged in conscience to make our carefully considered reasons known, fulfilling our duty to speak out as our present Pope has repeatedly told us.

“All the faithful, both clerical and lay, should be accorded a lawful freedom of inquiry, freedom of thought and freedom of expression.”
Gaudium et Spes, no 62; Canon Law no 212 § 3.
Our aim is to enable the Church to reform its way of thinking and its practice
so that women, as much as men,
will be admitted to all the ordained ministries.

Eight out of ten Catholic scholars in the world support the ordination of women.

Read here the complete texts of many contemporary Catholic theologians who give their reasons in favour of women priests. Our site is unique in providing in full all Roman documents that ban the ordination of women .

Judge for yourself the arguments of the Congregation for Doctrine in Rome.

We offer thousands of documents in English relevant to the ordination of women. They cover decrees of councils and synods, statements by the Fathers of the Church and medieval theologians, historical records, contemporary articles, classical publications, discussions on scripture, tradition and the teaching authority, picture galleries and much more.

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